Google Scholar profile.
ResearchGate profile.


  • 2.5D Acoustics: A physics-based lumped wave solver for acoustic analysis of static vocal tract shapes [PDF]
    Ph.D. Proposal
    University of British Columbia (UBC) 2023.

  • Talking Tube: A novel approach for vocal tract acoustic modelling using the finite-difference time-domain method [PDF]
    M.A.Sc. Thesis
    University of British Columbia (UBC) 2021.

Peer-Reviewed Conferences

  • 2.5D Vocal Tract Modeling: Bridging low-dimensional efficiency with 3D accuracy [PDF]
    D.R. Mohapatra, V. Zappi, S. Fels
    Proceedings of Interspeech (INTERSPEECH) 2024, pp. 17-21.

  • Modeling vocal tract like acoustic tubes using the immersed boundary method [PDF]
    R. Wu, D.R. Mohapatra, S. Fels
    Proceedings of Interspeech (INTERSPEECH) 2024, pp. 3415-3419.

  • Three-dimensional finite-difference time-domain acoustic analysis of simplified vocal tract shapes [PDF]
    D.R. Mohapatra, M. Fleischer, V. Zappi, P. Birkholz, S. Fels
    Proceedings of Interspeech (INTERSPEECH) 2022, pp. 764-768.

  • Vocal tract area function extraction using ultrasound for articulatory speech synthesis [PDF]
    D.R. Mohapatra, P. Saha, Y. Liu, B. Gick, S. Fels
    Speech Synthesis Workshop (SSW) 2021, pp. 90-95.

  • A comparative study of two-dimensional vocal tract acoustic modeling based on Finite-Difference Time-Domain methods [PDF]
    D.R. Mohapatra, V. Zappi, S. Fels
    International Seminar on Speech Production (ISSP) 2020, pp. 154-157.

  • An extended two-dimensional vocal tract model for fast acoustic simulation of single-axis symmetric three-dimensional tubes [PDF]
    D.R. Mohapatra, V. Zappi, S. Fels
    Proceedings of Interspeech (INTERSPEECH) 2019, pp. 3760-64.


  • Speak with your hands - Using continuous hand gestures to control articulatory speech synthesizer [PDF]
    P. Saha, D.R. Mohapatra, S. Fels
    International Seminar on Speech Production (ISSP) 2020.

  • Limitations of source-filter coupling in phonation [PDF]
    D.R. Mohapatra, S. Fels
    Canadian Acoustics (AWC) 2018, pp. 60-61.

  • Sound-Stream: Towards real-time gesture-controlled articulatory sound synthesis [PDF]
    P. Saha, D.R. Mohapatra, P.Srungarapu, S. Fels
    Canadian Acoustics (AWC) 2018, pp. 58-59.